Blaise Aguirre

Blaise Aguirre (I Hate Myself: Overcome Self-Loathing and Realize Why You’re Wrong About You) is a child and adolescent psychiatrist specializing in dialectical behavior therapy. Blaise joins the Armchair Expert to discuss becoming an expert on Borderline Personality Disorder and DBT, the correlation between BPD and suicidal ideation, and that it’s not a choice to live with the disregulation of BPD. Blaise and Dax talk about the analogy of a person with a BPD brain being saddled with a very fast car but not the skill to drive it, the fact that when we are disregulated we can’t think properly, and why being too protective of one’s feelings can actually rob them of the ability to confront necessary emotions. Blaise explains the glory he has when a patient leaves therapy, the saying in DBT that you have to go where angels fear to tread to truly help patients, and how liberating it is to realize that our common destiny is stardust.

Blaise Aguirre: @blaisemd
Armchair Expert: @armchairexppod
Dax Shepard: @daxshepard

Created & Produced by: Dax Shepard, Monica Padman, & Rob Holysz
Hosted by: Dax Shepard
Associate Producer: Emma Lawrence
Video Edit by: Todd Hughlett & Anthony Pacheco
Audio Edit by: Monica Padman & Emma Lawrence
Mixed & Mastered by: Daniel Good
Armchair Expert