Josh Gad

Josh Gad (Frozen, Frozen 2, Book of Mormon, The Daily Show) is an American actor, comedian, and singer. Josh sits down with the Armchair Expert to discuss kindness in Hollywood, fatherhood, and his experience on Broadway. Dax claims Josh has won the lottery multiple times and Josh sets a goal for the next time he visits Armchair. The two talk about how we can learn from history, what its like to be the court jester and putting their mothers on pedestals. 

Josh Gad: @joshgad
Armchair Expert: @armchairexppod
Dax Shepard: @daxshepard

Created & Produced by: Dax Shepard, Monica Padman, & Rob Holysz
Hosted by: Dax Shepard
Edited by: Monica Padman & Billy Klein
Armchair Expert