Mary Claire Haver

Mary Claire Haver (The New Menopause, The ‘Pause Life) is a board-certified OBGYN, culinary medicine specialist, and best-selling author. Mary Claire joins the Armchair Expert to discuss how she ended up as one of eight children to restauranteur parents, the reason she became an OBGYN being that delivering babies never gets old, and how she misinterpreted her own menopause as grief amid the death of her brother. Mary Claire and Dax talk about the untenable claims of the study that HRT gives women cancer, her argument that hormone replacement therapy is the longevity drug for women, and a hormonal solution to reverse declining libido as one reaches menopausal age. Mary Claire explains why women can still get pregnant during perimenopause, the woeful lack of information and training received by medical professionals when it comes to women’s health, and the hive of practitioners she helped crowdsource to meet the needs of the menopausal community.

Mary Claire Haver: @drmaryclaire
Armchair Expert: @armchairexppod
Dax Shepard: @daxshepard

Created & Produced by: Dax Shepard, Monica Padman, & Rob Holysz
Hosted by: Dax Shepard
Associate Producer: Emma Lawrence
Video Edit by: Todd Hughlett & Anthony Pacheco
Audio Edit by: Monica Padman & Emma Lawrence
Mixed & Mastered by: Daniel Good
Armchair Expert