Norah Jones

Norah Jones is a Grammy award-winning American singer, songwriter, and pianist. She sits down with the Armchair Expert to discuss the trajectory of her career, her commitment to music and dealing with public criticism. Norah admits she is attracted to musicians and Dax, in response, declares his rudimentary knowledge of drumming. The two talk about the value of relationships pre and post-fame, they bond over having powerful single mothers and Norah plays music for Dax and Monica making them feel like their live in a matrix.

Norah Jones: @norahjones
Armchair Expert: @armchairexppod
Dax Shepard: @daxshepard

Created & Produced by: Dax Shepard, Monica Padman, & Rob Holysz
Hosted by: Dax Shepard
Edited by: Monica Padman & Daniel Good
Sponsors: Hotwire, Brooklinen, Honey, Chrysler, SquareSpace
Armchair Expert