Reid Hoffman Returns

Reid Hoffman (Superagency: What Could Possibly Go Right With our AI Future) is an internet entrepreneur, author, and co-founder of LinkedIn and Inflection AI. Reid returns to the Armchair Expert to discuss Socrates’s musing on the failings of writing, an argument for pushing back on confirmation bias, and why you can’t have science or the middle class without the printing press. Reid and Dax talk about why AI is different from other technologies that have changed our lives, how powerloom weaving in England was the original small business, and ChatGPT being an accidental mic drop. Reid explains the way we get more toward a healthy society is by establishing networks of trust, runs through some fun AI prompts, and discusses why as biological creatures we first go through what could go wrong instead of right in any given situation.

Reid Hoffman: @reidhoffman
Armchair Expert: @armchairexppod
Dax Shepard: @daxshepard

Created & Produced by: Dax Shepard, Monica Padman, & Rob Holysz
Hosted by: Dax Shepard
Associate Producer: Emma Lawrence
Video Edit by: Jonathan Chu & Anthony Pacheco
Audio Edit by: Monica Padman & Emma Lawrence
Mixed & Mastered by: Billy Klein
Armchair Expert